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Matches for it are a fact, 87 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Tue Oct 20 15:24:10 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   in fact, it might actually be a large part of why said kids are broken in the head.

Sun Oct 18 13:12:13 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   HeySteve the point is there's a big demand for such a service << yes, but the demand is from people who aren't willing to take any steps to enforce it. and it's for you to magically oppress property holders on their behalf. this isn't how property works, the fact that the landlords hold that property "free and clear" specifically means that they are immune from a guy named heysteve and his plans for the future. this is

Mon Oct 12 20:11:15 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   e is in your living room, eyeballing the nice things in your home. If it is a fact that you will inevitably give him the money, is it easier to for you to pair it with your venom or your sympathy? Though it's enraging, there is a perverse pleasure in giving that bastard the money. It tells you that you showed him that you are better than him."

Sat Oct 10 18:00:17 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   thing about subkeys is that they are a fundamentally ill-conceived idea - the notion that 'i can update my modulus but it is still considered the same key, because it is signed by this other key here, and this fact is to be verified by machine'

Sun Sep 20 00:07:53 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   '... Whatever their tactics, what CS bureaucrats always sacrifice is relevance. Of course everyone has a conscience, and everyone would like to be actually relevant. But, especially when the only people checking up are your own godfathers in the funding agencies, it's much easier to pretend to be relevant. Actual relevance is extremely difficult to achieve, and hardly rewarding at all. In fact it's embarrassing, because everyo

Wed Sep 09 12:32:59 UTC 2015  <assbot>   Logged on 09-09-2015 06:49:05; mircea_popescu: nd him were worthy of being told about it. for all you know the notions of "progress and science" incumbent in the perspective you propose are so much masturbatory jizz, and in point of fact intelligent people share their thoughts exactly like a comedian shares his routine : to friends, in a social environment, for the same reasons in the same ways.

Wed Sep 09 06:49:05 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   nd him were worthy of being told about it. for all you know the notions of "progress and science" incumbent in the perspective you propose are so much masturbatory jizz, and in point of fact intelligent people share their thoughts exactly like a comedian shares his routine : to friends, in a social environment, for the same reasons in the same ways.

Thu Aug 20 22:37:04 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-08-2015#1245376 << which is why the only possible answers are violence or submission, which is why the inane bitching on social media sounds just like she's playing coy but enjoyed it, and which is also why "a society without violence" can not in point of fact function.

Tue Aug 11 03:14:06 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   soo, somewhat interesting, maybe. 1984 was actually born at a precise place : "In nationalist thought there are facts which are both true and untrue, known and unknown. A known fact may be so unbearable that it is habitually pushed aside and not allowed to enter into logical processes, or on the other hand it may enter into every calculation and yet never be admitted as a fact, even in one's own mind." appears in a 194

Sat Aug 08 06:14:55 UTC 2015  <pete_dushenski>   cazalla: looky, the car and the flags are but a symbol, and until the underlying material fact of diplomatic immunity is a reality, a day i intend to see but am not deluded enough to believe is here yet, then it's for personal enjoyment.

Sun Jul 05 20:41:51 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   it is, in fact, the one difference i see. there are the people who, when confronted with an unexpected symbol, DREAM UP a story involving it. then there are the people who fling the text across the room.

Fri Jun 05 04:14:32 UTC 2015  <assbot>   Logged on 27-01-2015 05:02:36; mircea_popescu: "The system not only pays poor people, it employs lots and lots of almost poor people. I'm not saying this is a good thing, or a desirable thing, I am simply stating a fact. Some of these are direct government jobs (e.g. staff down at the SSI office) and some are pretend private sector jobs. If you're a psychiatrist at an inner city clinic, you may think you're an independent contractor, but you're r

Wed Jun 03 13:48:37 UTC 2015  <mats>   fun fact: creators of the BLE spec published it with known vulnerabilities, e.g: "None of the pairing methods provide protection against a passive eavedropper during the pairing process as predictable or easily established values for TK are used." (BLE Core 4.0, Vol.3, p604)

Sun May 31 23:35:44 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-05-2015#1149130 << notwithstanding that the dudes in question are probably illiterate, gold standard does in fact not work for a large array or reasons. this exercise is not unlike an attempt to deride qm on the grounds that the various twerps making money out of govt grants in physics academia could not explain it.

Wed May 06 08:03:47 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   When I was the same age as the MMA athletes you are training all we had was silk-lined fantasy. Now there is a real sweaty reality in a cage near you, and you just might be able to help some hard working young wrestler who actually knows how to make weight, box, if only in spots. Even so, it?s still boxing, and it?s a fact, that most of the hands being taped today are being taped cage-side. You might-as-well wield

Sat May 02 19:09:29 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   the social studies million army may well be useless, but it is not in point of fact idle. the important difference is that while the printing presses of money are run as fast as they can run but by a central authority, the printing presses of discourse are run in overdrive independently.

Wed Apr 22 23:44:22 UTC 2015  <assbot>   Logged on 22-04-2015 22:21:59; mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the fact that the imbeciles commenting on that thing stupid shite like "you make a poor assumption that the NSA or whoever couldn't also add backdoors and other such snoop to the source code base, so when you compile it yourself, you are compiling the NSA right in. Yes it would be more difficult, because the maintainers should be watching, but if they've been forced into it, would you even

Wed Apr 22 22:21:59 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   ben_vulpes the fact that the imbeciles commenting on that thing stupid shite like "you make a poor assumption that the NSA or whoever couldn't also add backdoors and other such snoop to the source code base, so when you compile it yourself, you are compiling the NSA right in. Yes it would be more difficult, because the maintainers should be watching, but if they've been forced into it, would you even know?" doesn't eve

Sun Apr 12 04:06:56 UTC 2015  <mircea_popescu>   it's a very simple thing : whores are, in point of fact, for the fact of having been whores, superior to "mere women", ie, the usual vanilla nitwit. this is a fact, incontrovertible as the fact that the sun is glowier than the moon.

Sat Apr 11 00:16:00 UTC 2015  <asciilifeform>   the fact of the matter appears to be (ben_vulpes and his experiment, etc) that the folks who pay for ads are largely the old cargo cultists and have very little to do with bitcoin, for perfectly logical reasons of it being a bugspray against their species

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